It's very hard to be a kid, especially in a predominantly white school or white town where other people want to police your body and hair.

You have to trust your body to take care of you.

Everybody eats a little differently, but the more where you are aware of what you put in your body and how it affects your performance, the better opportunities you have. And that's what I'm trying to do.

I used to be able to eat and drink whatever I wanted. But now, when I'm in a suit and tie all the time, sitting and being driven, you can just feel your body.

As professional soccer players, we take our bodies to the extreme. We're the people at the gym that look like we're breaking the machines. Pushing our bodies to the limits is what makes us so strong and capable and Olympians. It's not an easy thing to consistently do over and over again to your body.

I still work on it almost every day in the gym. You have to know your body and that also means knowing when it's time to rest. Sometimes the coach will manage me and give me a day off so that I'm right for the weekend.

I just think you need to believe in yourself - be offensive, but still have some nervousness in your body before any important game.