Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Too many Black lives have been lost to injustice and brutality in this country.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Masks. Test Supplies. Ventilators. Gloves. Gowns. These are the most critical tools that our doctors, nurses and other first responders on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic need to continue their tireless work and save lives.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Strong alliances can thrive even where disagreements exist, but they cannot thrive where free and open communication is shut down.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately impacted tribal communities, we must invest in infrastructure in order to advance economic recovery and create much-needed jobs.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Every year, thousands of immigrants, asylum seekers and migrants assume great hardships to find safety in America. They choose our country because they see the United States as a land of justice, as a place of safety, and a beacon of hope.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

We stood up and said that we welcome everyone, and that everyone deserves a shot to succeed.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

For far too long, the voices of Native Americans have been woefully underrepresented in Congress.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

It wasn't until I was injured at the gym - resulting in an emergency room visit and bill of $4,000 - that I realized the cost of forgoing health insurance. I was fine, but it took me more than a year to pay off that bill. That hurt worse than the injury itself.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Healthcare is consistently the top issue that people talk to me about, and it continues to be one of my top priorities in Congress.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

The Postal Service is critical to our economy, our seniors and veterans who count on lifesaving medications, our small businesses that need to ship their products, and even to our democracy.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Protecting our environment and natural resources is necessary for both our planet and our economy.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

To effectively fight the coronavirus crisis, we have to make sure that every person has access to quality, affordable health coverage.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

The Justice in Policing Act would enact comprehensive reforms to law enforcement that would improve police training and practices, while increasing much-needed transparency and accountability.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

For small businesses in Kansas and across the country, the coronavirus has the potential to cause devastating financial hardship that would have a ripple effect throughout our economy. These businesses make up the backbone of our communities, and we have to ensure they are properly supported and protected.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

To my supporters: you knocked on doors, made phone calls, donated what you could, and got your friends, neighbors, and family members to the polls. I am eternally grateful for your confidence in me and will work to earn your trust day in and day out in Congress.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Our asylum laws were written to protect victims fleeing persecution in their home countries. By limiting the scope of these laws and refusing to acknowledge gang violence or domestic violence as a valid reason to seek asylum, we are turning away women and children in grave danger.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Entrepreneurship is baked into the DNA of the Kansas Third District, and I'm proud to work with my colleagues in both parties to make sure our local businesses have the tools they need to take care of their employees, grow their companies, and contribute to our economy.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Regardless if I made it or not, I really wanted women's MMA to be a real thing.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

The Paycheck Protection Program has been vital to helping our small businesses and workers weather the coronavirus pandemic. Yet this program has operated with little oversight, and we've seen Kansas small businesses owners struggle to access relief while large corporations with deep pockets have no problem.

Sharice Davids
Sharice Davids

Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country and to keep us safe.