Preacher: Einstein's theory of relativity. Grab hold of a hot pan, second can seem like an hour. Put your hands on a hot woman, an hour can seem like a second. It's all relative.
Tom Scoggins: I spent four years at CalTech, and that's the best physics explanation I've ever heard.

Preacher: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. For thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Because I carry a big stick and I'm the meanest mother fucker in the valley! Two sharks down, Lord! One demon fish to go! Can I get an Amen?

Preacher: I'm not Daniel when he faced the lion. So I appreciate the irony, Lord! Cook dies in his own oven! But I've got other plans!
Preacher: [jumps out of upper oven and swims away, lights lighter] You ate my bird!
[throws lighter into open oven and blows up the shark]

Russell Franklin: You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder. After the avalanche, it took us a week to climb out. Now, I don't know exactly when we turned on each other, but I know that seven of us survived the slide... and only five made it out. Now we took an oath, that I'm
breaking now. We said we'd say it was the snow that killed the other two, but it wasn't. Nature is lethal but it doesn't hold a candle to man.

[Regarding last shark]
Dr. Susan McCallister: We have to kill her.
Carter Blake: That's the smartest thing you've said all day.

Preacher: You're the guy that got caught in that avalanche, right?
Russell Franklin: Yeah, I'm the one.
Preacher: Like black men don't have enough ways to get killed without climbing up some stupid ass mountain in the middle of God's nowhere! You leave that to the white folks! Brother!

Russell Franklin: Just what the hell did you do to those sharks?
Dr. Susan McCallister: Their brains weren't large enough to harvest sufficient amounts of the protein complex. So we violated the Harvard Compact. Jim and I used gene therapies to increase their brain mass. A larger brain means more protein. As a side effect the sharks got smarter.
Janice Higgins: You stupid bitch!

Preacher: I hate to interrupt this moment of burgeoning intimacy but can we get the fuck out of here?