Alec Berg
Alec Berg

You can't just watch people type all day, and you can't really show screenshots of code and make it interesting in any way.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

Somebody writing a subroutine is unbelievable boring.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

The amounts of money in Silicon Valley are staggering.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

I love oddballs and nerdiness, and it's a fun world to write in.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

My brother is an electrical engineer and went to computer science grad school at Stanford, and he'd tell me stories about the happy hours he'd organize.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

There's a reason there are 50,000 cop shows and firefighter shows: Watching them is cool.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

I have enough motivation just not looking like an idiot on national television. The fear of disappointing people is certainly higher.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

My dad's a biophysicist. My brother is a computer guy. His wife works at Microsoft.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

'The Practice' is one of my favorite shows of all time, and the first few seasons of that show were amazing, and then when they started winning the big case, it just got less interesting.

Alec Berg
Alec Berg

I have a feeling that life as a billionaire in Silicon Valley is very different than the life that you or I would lead. Unless you're a billionaire; I don't know your financial situation.